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Mass Media Instructor Chooses
Over Casablanca/Avio
"I recommend that anyone considering a nonlinear editing system
arrange to try out the Screenplay for themselves;
dollars to donuts they end up buying a ScreenPlay."
A letter from C. Page-Quail, Mass Media Instructor
Osborne High School, Marietta, GA
March 1, 2001
Hi Applied Magic,
The Applied Magic Screenplay nonlinear editing system has been a Godsend at Osborne
High School, Marietta, Georgia.
Prior to the "Magics", as we call them (ScreenPlays), we edited video on either a cuts-only SVHS or the Video
Toaster system. For busy mass media students with heavy shooting and editing schedules -- producing the
school's video yearbook, servicing the athletic department, and honoring various requests for event coverage
throughout the year -- these two particular systems were inadequate and cumbersome. And in the case of the
Video Toaster, the learning curve was too steep for quick and easy mastery.
Fortunately for us, our principal saw the dire need for new and better equipment and approved an upgrade. I called
our dealer and asked him to put together a bid for a Draco system. As the proud owner of a Casablanca, it wasn't
even a question in my mind about which system we would purchase. That is until the dealer, a formerly loyal
proponent of the Draco systems, suggested that we look at this new system he had just been introduced to,
Applied Magic's ScreenPlay.
The dealer told me that from what he could tell at that point, feature for feature, ScreenPlay appeared to offer
more. Also, he had been told by that Applied Magic's tech support was really supportive.
But since the dealer was almost as unfamiliar with it (ScreenPlay) as I was, he suggested that we hold a
comparison demo to see what we all thought about the two products when it was over.
Needless to say, after we saw the ScreenPlay's capabilities - especially the no-rendering "full preview'" mode,
multiple password protected projects, digital juice and fx packages, built-in CD-ROM drive, native DV, PC
connectivity, free system upgrades, and last but not least, the very reasonable price - there was no decision. The
kids had to have it. I had to have it. The school's administration said "do it", and we did - to the tune of five
complete ScreenPlays.
After the Screenplays arrived, some of the students' comments I overheard included: "The Magics are awesome."
"Dude, these things are soooo easy!" "How much are they; I want one."
My head was, and is, still, spinning from running back and forth to satisfy requests to view the pieces they put
together at rapid-speed. Students that had absolutely no chance of ever learning the Toaster sat down and
immediately started editing viable and interesting segments.
The downside of all this is that the word is out.
The athletic department has found a place to get their fancy highlight tapes and end-of-season banquet
presentations produced. In fact, in the last 3 weeks (which is as long as we've actually had the Screenplays) our
studio has been besieged by numerous supplicants and onlookers. Yessiree, Mass Media is a mighty popular place
these days.
So far, I haven't had one moment of regret about putting all my eggs in one heretofore unknown basket. It seems
that the last minute suggestion to bring in the ScreenPlays for a live demo turned out to be extremely fortuitous. I
recommend that anyone considering a nonlinear editing system arrange to try out a ScreenPlay for themselves.
Dollars to donuts they end up buying a ScreenPlay.
C. Page-Quail
Mass Media teacher
Osborne High School, Marietta, GA