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High School Students Sing ScreenPlay Accolades

Name: Tom LittleJohn
Datum: 12.03.101 20:47

High School Students Sing ScreenPlay Accolades

I can't wait until they
tell their instructors to "get with it" and get ScreenPlay or
"Let me show you how ScreenPlay really works."

Tom LittleJohn, Technology

Hereford High School, Baltimore County, Maryland

June 2000

Dear Applied Magic,

Just an e-mail to let you know about the success my student's are experiencing using the new V1.4
software for ScreenPlay. Here is what the students say about V1.4:

"Great new interface color choice... easy on the eyes."
"ScreenPlay Editing Philosophy is clear, makes sense and helps develop the correct editing workflow."
"Go to Timecode" function really helps."
"'Workarounds' and 'things to watch for' priceless tips that get you out of a jam and develops the feeling
that you truly are a ScreenPlay expert."
"Digital Juice tastes good... and looks good too."

Two additional ScreenPlay stories you should know about.

First: On May 10th, The Career and Technology Programs
Department of Baltimore County Public Schools held their annual
Technology Awards Dinner. Outstanding senior students from each high
school were nominated by technology teachers and awards presented to
the students at a dinner. Two of my students were nominated for
awards, Lindsay Famula and Tasha Warne.

Lindsay will be studying video production and communication at a College in Syracuse, New York this fall.
Tasha will study video production at Baltimore County Community College at Catonsville this fall. Their
work and success with ScreenPlay helped them make a great career choice.

I can't wait until they tell their instructors to "get with it" and get ScreenPlay or "Let me show you how
ScreenPlay really works."

Secondly: There are not enough student-parking spaces on campus and this is becoming a real problem.

Monday Morning Challenge from my principal, Mr. Gross:

"Good Morning Tom...I've got a favor to ask of you. Perhaps your students."

Mr. Gross informs me that he and the president of Hereford's PSTA are making a formal presentation in
front of both the Board of Education of Baltimore County and the Baltimore County Council addressing the
need for funding for additional student parking spaces at Hereford High. The presentation "is THIS
AFTERNOON at 2:00 p.m.!"


At 9:30 a.m., I send two video camera crews to tape the three student parking lots and the off
campus-parking situation. At 10:30 a.m. they return with the video footage totaling 30 minutes and
consisting of lots of cars parking in lots of lots.

Once we acquire the footage, have two new (two week) ScreenPlay student users take over the project.
By 12:30 p.m. they have their Clips Bin clips trimmed and ready for the Storyboard. Class is over at 12:55
p.m. and the "new" ScreenPlay editing crew of two takes over the project adding titles, transitions and
artistic modifications to make the "lots of cars in lots" look really cool. The final production is 2:40 long
with 10 seconds of credits for students.

The video is delivered to Mr. Gross at 1:30 p.m. He can not believe the quality of the production. It was
exactly what he needs - a visual story of the parking problem at Hereford. Off he goes to his presentation,
tape in hand.

The best part of the story - all the students working on the project used V1.4 for the first time and noted
the seamless transition from V1.3. They used the ScreenPlay Editing Philosophy of "Bin Editing" with great
success. They utilized the new Digital Juice media. They used the "Go to Timecode" feature. They
completed a complex video editing production with great success all by themselves.

You did it again with Version 1.4. Thanks for a great product!


Tom Littlejohn
Technology Instructor
Hereford High School, Baltimore County Maryland

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